Ajahn Khemasanto
The Venerable was born and raised in Midland Michigan. Venerable Khemasanto was first ordained as a novice in 1968 at Wat Bovornives, Bangkok, Thailand. He was given the name Dhammaramo at that time. He took higher ordination as a monk in 1969 at the same temple. His Preceptor was Chao Khun Sasanasophorn (Presently His Holiness the Supreme Patriarch).
In 1970 – 1976 he went to live at various forest temples, training in that tradition. His teachers included Ajahn Maha Bua, Luang Pu Bua, Luang Pu dun, and Ajahn Saam.

Tan Thittisampanno
The Venerable was born and raised in Michigan and was ordained in 2015.

Tan Mahaviro
The Venerable was born in Colorado and raised in Michigan. He moved to Dhammasala in 2020 and took higher ordination in 2021 at Wat Buddha Bucha in Decatur, Georgia. He assisted Ajahn Nattagul to establish Wat Naples Dhammaram Florida in 2021 and returned to Dhammasala in 2023.