Dhammasala Forest Monastery is located at 14780 Beardslee Road, Perry, MI.

Recurring Events
Food offering – daily from 10:30 am to noon
Offering food to monks is one of the oldest traditions in Buddhism. Daily beginning at 10:30 am, visitors bring prepared foods to offer to the monks.
Dhamma class – Saturdays from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Format is 30-60 minutes of a Dhamma talk, followed by Q and A and discussion.
You can help Dhammasala with grounds maintenance, building maintenance, special events, and other needs.
If you’d like to help, please send an email to our volunteer coordinator (dhammasala.forest.monastery@gmail.com).
We form working parties from time to time, so let our coordinator know if you’d like to be added to our volunteer mailing list.
Dhammasala is available for retreats from May to September. This includes weekends or weekdays. The reason for this is the unique nature of our retreats. The length of stay depends on the applicant – some stay a weekend, some stay a week or longer.